Privacy Policy

This Publisher is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. Last updated: 11/7/2023.

Our Privacy Policy outlines the data collection and usage practices for this Publisher and all its affiliated websites owned or registered to the Publisher. It also clarifies how the Publisher handles personally identifiable data you may provide or transmit. For GDPR compliance, this Publisher is the data controller for any personal data collected on its websites.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to this Website, its web pages, and any other websites, web pages, or domains related to, owned by, or registered to this Publisher. It does not extend to third-party websites, applications, products, or services promoted by the Publisher but not under its control.

By accessing this Website, you consent to the information collection and use practices outlined in this policy, as well as the Acceptable Use Policy.

You must be 18 years of age or older to use this Website. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use provided on this Website, please refrain from using it.

Before using this Website, it’s important to note:

  • Providing personal information to this Publisher via its websites implies your consent to receive emails containing information, advertisements, or promotions that may interest you.
  • This Publisher sends email notifications, newsletters, and/or promotions, both first-party and third-party, to its subscribers.
  • If you no longer wish to receive emails from this Publisher, you can easily unsubscribe by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the Publisher’s emails.
  • If you choose to unsubscribe or opt out, this Publisher will not contact you further, and your personal information will only be retained for the purpose of maintaining a “Do-Not-Contact” list to ensure your privacy and legal compliance.
  • If you do not unsubscribe or opt out, this Publisher may process, analyze, or segment your data for legally permissible purposes.

Privacy Policy Changes: This Privacy Policy may change over time, with changes becoming effective upon posting. It’s your responsibility to periodically review this policy for updates and to stay informed about changes to this and all posted policies on this website.

Data Collection, Use, and Disclosure Practices:

This policy governs the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of information by the Publisher, including on its websites, affiliated companies, and third-party websites.

  1. Collection of Information

1.1. User Direct Information:

Whenever you provide information to the Publisher on any website page owned, operated, or controlled by the Publisher, request information, submit inquiries, send emails, subscribe to newsletters, or engage with the site in any way, the Publisher may collect personally identifiable information, including your name, email address, mailing address, social security number, credit card information, telephone number, or any other data you submit. Additionally, your user agent information, cookies, IP address, time-date stamp, and more may be collected and recorded for record-keeping.

You may also choose to provide additional information, such as your gender, birthday, marital status, and education level, which, when combined with personally identifiable information, constitutes “personal information.” Accessing the site, using its services, or making purchases may require providing personal information as indicated on the site’s forms.

1.2. Survey Information:

The Publisher collects information when you voluntarily complete surveys, order forms, or registration pages online or offline, including information provided through mail, in-person, or telephone interactions. This information may include your name, email address, street address, zip code, telephone numbers, birth date, gender, salary range, education, marital status, occupation, social security number, employment details, personal interests, and other relevant data. Surveys are voluntary, and you are not obligated to provide survey information.

1.3. Cookies, Web Beacons, and Other Technology:

The Publisher currently uses cookie and web beacon technology to associate Internet-related information about you with data in its database. Cookies, which are features of your browser software, store small amounts of data on your computer regarding your visits to the site. This helps track your preferences, content viewed, and return visits. Cookies enable customization of content based on your preferences and other site-related functions. You can disable cookies, but this may impact site functionality. Web beacons are programming codes used to display images on web pages and transfer your user identification to a database, tracking your online behavior for marketing purposes.

(a) Cookies: You can modify your browser preferences to accept, reject, or request notifications when cookies are set. To fully utilize the site’s features and functionality, it’s necessary to accept cookies.

(b) Web Beacons: Web beacons track online behavior for marketing purposes and are also used in email messages sent to individuals in the Publisher’s database.

(c) IP Addresses: Your IP address is automatically tracked based on your behavior on the site. This information may include the URL you visited before and after the site, your computer’s browser information, and your IP address. While the IP address does not identify you by name, it may be used to locate and identify you with cooperation from your Internet Service Provider. IP addresses can reveal your geographic area and ISP. The Publisher may also collect the IP addresses of other websites you visit.

(d) Computer Profiles: Anonymous data is collected to help understand visitor demographics, interests, and behavior. This includes information about referring domain names, browser types, operating systems, screen resolutions, color capabilities, browser plug-ins, language settings, cookie preferences, search engine keywords, JavaScript usage, and more. When combined with personal identification information, this data helps in identifying users.

(e) Data Analysis: Data analysis technology may be used as needed.

(f) New Technology: The use of technology on the internet, including cookies and web beacons, is continually evolving. Publisher encourages you to revisit this policy for updates regarding its use of new technology.

1.4. No Information Collected from Children:

The Publisher does not knowingly collect personal information about children under the age of 18. If the Publisher becomes aware of collecting personal information from a child under 18, that information will be promptly deleted. The Publisher’s policy is designed to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

1.5. Credit Card Information:

In some cases, the Publisher may collect credit card numbers and related information when an individual places an order. This information is encrypted and protected with SSL encryption software for processing and completing purchase transactions. Credit card information is disclosed to third parties only as necessary to complete transactions.

  1. Use of Individual Information

This section explains how the Publisher uses personal information, and the uses may change over time. The Publisher may expand its use of your personal information and provide promotional offers through email advertising, telephone marketing, direct mail marketing, banner advertising, and other methods.

2.1. Discretion to Use Information:

Personal information collected on the site is used to operate the site, provide requested services, and tailor the user experience.

2.2. Email:

The Publisher may use your personal information to send you first and third-party advertisements and offers via email. The Publisher may maintain separate email lists for different purposes, and you can unsubscribe from a particular list by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the emails. The Publisher only sends emails to those who have agreed to receive them, and email formatting regulations for unsolicited emails do not apply.

2.3. Profiling and Targeted Advertising:

The Publisher uses your information to create and improve profiles and track your online browsing habits to determine areas of interest. This information helps the Publisher target advertising and promotions to you via email, direct mail, telephone, and other means.

2.4. Storage of Personal Information:

Personal information is stored on the Publisher’s servers with security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse, and alteration of data. While these measures are in place, the Publisher cannot guarantee the absolute security of data and disclaims responsibility for any damage due to illegal access by others.

  1. Use of Personal Information

3.1. Sale or Transfer to Third-Parties:

The Publisher may use, sell, or transfer individual email information to third parties for legally permissible purposes at its discretion. This includes customer service, marketing, and complying with the law.

3.2. Customer Service:

Personal information is used for responding to inquiries, processing and verifying requests and orders, and tailoring the user experience.

3.3. Marketing:

The Publisher may use your personal information for marketing and survey purposes, sending information about goods and services of interest via email advertising, telephone marketing, direct mail marketing, online banner advertising, and more. Third-party agents and contractors may be involved in marketing and survey efforts, and the Publisher may share your information with other companies in connection with marketing efforts. You may have no relationship with these other companies.

3.4. Compliance with Legal Processes:

The Publisher may use or disclose your personal information in response to subpoenas, court orders, warrants, or legal processes. This includes establishing legal rights, defending against claims, and addressing violations of agreements. Personal information may also be used and disclosed when there’s reason to believe it’s necessary to investigate illegal activities, fraud, potential threats to safety, violations of the Publisher’s acceptable use policy, or when required by law.

3.5. Order Fulfillment:

Personal information may be transferred to third parties when necessary to provide products or services that you order while using the Publisher’s websites or responding to offers provided by the Publisher.

3.6. Data Summary:

Non-individualized information, such as aggregated anonymous data about individuals or groups, may be sold or transferred.

  1. Privacy Practices of Third-Parties

4.1. Advertiser Cookies and Web Beacons:

Advertising agencies, networks, and other companies placing advertisements on the websites may use their own cookies, web beacons, and technology to collect information about individuals. The Publisher does not control the use of such technology and is not responsible for its data collection practices.

4.2. Links:

The websites and email messages may contain links to third-party websites. The Publisher is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of such websites. Linked websites may have links to other websites not controlled by the Publisher. The inclusion of links does not imply endorsement of services, contents, or sponsors.

  1. SMS and Wireless Communications:

By signing up, you agree to receive mobile communications from Wellness Wisdom Daily. Standard rates from your wireless carrier apply to these messages. To unsubscribe or discontinue SMS messages, send “STOP,” “END,” or “QUIT” to the SMS text message received.

  1. User Consumer Rights

To learn more about protecting your privacy, visit

SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION & EXPRESS CONSENT TO RECEIVE PHONE CALLS OR MESSAGES: Your use of this website and provision of your email address and/or telephone number constitute a subscription and acceptance of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Subscribers may receive recorded telephone messages about special product offers and incentives and may be automatically entered into related campaigns.

By subscribing, you expressly consent to being contacted by the Publisher and partner companies via prerecorded telephone messages, in compliance with applicable regulations. Calls may describe goods and services offered by third parties, and such goods or services are not sold by or through the Publisher.

You are subscribing to receive calls only from the Publisher and partner third-party companies, using the specific number(s) you provided. Your consent is effective for numbers that are not registered on state or federal Do-Not-Call (DNC) lists as of the date of this consent. Publisher reserves the right not to call any numbers on a DNC list. This consent remains valid until revoked by you. If you have further questions about this policy, please email the Publisher at [email protected].

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