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How To Workout With Kettlebells Properly & Thoroughly

Kettlebell exercises are a fantastic way to strengthen internal muscles, helping to align posture. However, it is easy to conduct injuries…

Yep, It’s Time To Get Ripped!

Kettlebells, with their distinctive shape and versatile design, have become a staple in fitness routines worldwide. Every single gym should have kettlebells in them. Using compact weights offers a unique blend of strength and cardio benefits, making them a favorite among fitness enthusiasts.

However, the dynamic nature of kettlebell exercises requires proper technique to ensure effectiveness and to avoid potential injuries.

So, selecting the right kettlebell weight depends on your body type, experience, and the specific exercises you plan to perform. These weight numbers are what I generally recommend based on different fitness levels:

i) Beginner (Male or Female)

  • Men: 8kg to 12kg (18lb to 26lb)
  • Women: 4kg to 8kg (9lb to 18lb)

If you are relatively new or lack experience, you should start with a lighter kettlebell to focus on proper form and technique. However, as you gain strength and proficiency, you can gradually progress to heavier weights.

ii) Intermediate (Male or Female)

  • Men: 12kg to 20kg (26lb to 44lb)
  • Women: 8kg to 16kg (18lb to 35lb)

Intermediate users can work with slightly heavier kettlebells to challenge their strength and endurance. So, choose a number from these weight ranges that allows you to perform the exercises with control and good form.

iii) Advanced (Male or Female)

  • Men: 20kg and above (44lb+)
  • Women: 16kg and above (35lb+)

Advanced users with substantial strength can opt for heavier kettlebells to further intensify their workouts. Nevertheless, remember that proper form is necessary when using heavier weights, and injury risk is much higher.

Key “Kettle” Tips

Proper Grip –

  • First and foremost, hold the kettlebell handle with a firm but not overly tight grip.
  • Ensure that your fingers are securely wrapped around the handle, and maintain a neutral wrist position to avoid strain.

Core Engagement –

  • Typically, kettlebell exercises involve dynamic movements that engage the core.
  • Focus on keeping your core muscles tight and activated throughout the workout to provide stability and protect your spine.

Hip Hinge Technique –

  • Many kettlebell exercises, such as swings and deadlifts, require a hip hinge motion.
  • Hinge at your hips while keeping your back straight, allowing the movement to originate from the hips rather than the lower back.

Proper Posture –

  • Whether you’re swinging, pressing, or performing other exercises, maintain good posture.
  • Keep your shoulders down and back, chest lifted, and spine neutral to distribute the load evenly and avoid unnecessary stress on your joints.

Smooth, Controlled Movements –

  • Kettlebell exercises often involve a fluid and dynamic range of motion.
  • So, make sure to perform each movement with control, avoiding jerky or abrupt motions to reduce the risk of strains or muscle imbalances.

4 Workouts For You

i) Kettlebell Swing

Activate the hips and core as you swing the kettlebell between your legs and up to chest height. Further, the swing strengthens the posterior chain, including the hamstrings and glutes.

ii) Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Hold the kettlebell close to your chest and perform squats. This exercise targets the quads, hamstrings, and glutes while practicing proper squatting form.

iii) Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

This is a complex movement that involves lying down and standing up while holding a kettlebell overhead. This exercise engages multiple muscle groups, emphasizing stability and mobility. Be careful here, and do not use too much weight. Since this one’s a bit tricky, I would recommend watching an instructional video beforehand.

iv) Kettlebell Press

For upper body strength, do 10 overhead presses with a kettlebell, targeting the shoulders, triceps, and upper back. Above all, you should have a stable base and control your movement throughout the exercise.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

These kettlebells are heavy, so if you are relatively new to lifting, start small to avoid injuries to your back muscles.

So, do you prefer a cardio day? Or hitting the gym to get bulky?

Please respond below! Thanks!
