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Struggling With Inflammation? The Best Of The AIP Diet

Do you have stomach inflammation or a weak immune system? If you do, the AIP diet may be of use for you. This is what you need to know!

24 Million Americans Have An Autoimmune Disease!

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet, an extension of the Paleolithic diet, has gained attention for its potential to manage autoimmune conditions by eliminating specific foods that may contribute to inflammation. Founded by Loren Cordain, this diet avoids grains and dairy products, which in turn supports your gut lining and immune system!

What Is It?

Designed to reduce inflammation, the The AIP Diet supports healing in individuals with autoimmune conditions. It involves the elimination of potentially inflammatory foods and the incorporation of nutrient-dense options. The diet consists of:

i) Elimination Phase

  • The first phase of the diet is where you remove inflammatory foods for a set period (typically 30-90 days). 
  • During this phase, you’ll eliminate grains, legumes, nightshades, dairy, eggs (sometimes), nuts & seeds (sometimes), refined sugars, alcohol, and coffee.
  • You’ll focus on consuming: meat, fish, poultry, most vegetables (except nightshades), certain fruits, healthy fats, and some fermented foods.
  • It’s a rather strict phase, but reintroducing eliminated foods later helps pinpoint individual sensitivities and build a personalized long-term plan. 

ii)  Reintroduction Phase

  • If you can manage to complete the elimination phase, the reintroduction phase allows you to carefully bring back previously avoided foods and identify individual triggers.
  • Consequently, the phase typically involves slowly reintroducing one food at a time for several days, monitoring your body’s reaction for any symptoms like fatigue, pain, or digestive issues.
  • If symptoms flare up, you know that specific food is your personal trigger and should be avoided.
  • Now, if all goes well, you can gradually reintroduce other foods, ultimately creating a sustainable, personalized AIP plan that fits your body’s needs. 

But, Why Choose the AIP Diet?

A 2017 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases study found that 11 out of 15 participants, who were living with IBD, noticed positive results and a decrease in symptoms.

The primary motivation for adopting the AIP Diet is to manage autoimmune conditions. By removing potential triggers, individuals aim to reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and inflammatory bowel disease.

There Are Drawbacks?

However, the strictness of the AIP Diet may pose challenges for long-term adherence. So, maintaining such a restrictive diet can impact one’s overall quality of life as there are malnourishment risks involved. Moreover, this may impact physical activity, which when deprived of, can affect one’s mental state.

Also, while some studies suggest potential benefits of the AIP Diet for certain autoimmune conditions, we do not have clear scientific evidence. Critics argue that we need more research to validate its effectiveness across a broader spectrum of autoimmune diseases.

Top Breakfast Items For AIP Diets

  • Scrambled eggs with spinach and chopped avocado on a bed of roasted sweet potato (if you like eggs).
  • Coconut yogurt parfait with berries and chopped nuts.
  • Smoothie with almond milk, spinach, banana, and protein powder.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

It’s up to you. While it’s not scientifically proven that this diet fights autoimmune diseases, studies from participants do show that sticking to this diet does not hurt to try.

So, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, reach out to a doctor or ask me if you have questions.

