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The Two-Hour Rule ~ All That You Need To Know

The two-hour screen rule isn’t just for show. It forewarns us about dangerous side effects that affect both our mental and physical well-being.

Two-Hour Rule? Never Heard Of It!

The two-hour rule is a guideline that advocates limiting daily screen time to less than two hours. In an era saturated with digital devices and constant connectivity, this rule emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries on screen usage to safeguard both physical and mental well-being.

Especially among children, individuals should aim to mitigate the negative effects of prolonged screen exposure. According to a study by CivicScience, nearly 66% of Americans turn to a secondary device (phone, tablet, or laptop) while watching television, showing a decrease of attention span within adults and children. The less screen time a child has, the better their attention span will be.

Screen Time’s Dangerous Effects 

i) Damaged Retinal Cells

Prolonged screen exposure can lead to digital eye strain, characterized by symptoms like dryness, blurred vision, and headaches. Abiding by the two-hour rule provides a respite for our eyes, reducing the risk of damaged retina cells and maintaining long-term visual health.

ii) Melatonin Paused

The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our circadian rhythm, making it challenging to fall asleep. Using electronic devices before bedtime fools the brain into thinking its daytime as the brain stop releasing our sleep hormone (melatonin). Thus, the two-hour rule allows our bodies to wind down naturally, leading to improved sleep quality and overall well-restedness.

iii) Social Media = Social Anxiety

Constant exposure to digital information and social media updates and content is proven to contribute to heightened anxiety and stress levels. Limiting screen time creates a buffer zone, allowing individuals to disconnect and alleviate the mental burden associated with information overload.

iv) Real-World Connections

Spending too much time on screens can diminish face-to-face interactions and hinder the development of genuine relationships. Abiding by the two-hour rule encourages individuals to prioritize in-person connections, fostering meaningful relationships and a sense of community.

v) Boosting Productivity

Excessive screen time can lead to distractions and reduced productivity. By limiting screen usage, individuals can create focused, uninterrupted periods for work or leisure activities, ultimately enhancing efficiency and overall productivity.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Social media has faced a lot of backlash within recent years, especially as TikTok emerged during the pandemic. 

The “scrolling” issue has become prominent as children and teens have wasted countless hours per day solely scrolling through social media.

So, what do you think? There are physical and mental well-being issues at hand.

Should the two-hour rule be elongated or shortened even more?
