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What Is EQ? | How To Turn Your Life Upside Down

I think we’ve all heard of IQ. But, what doesn’t come to mind first is EQ. Not only is EQ less heard of, but it is equally as important! This is why…

Emotional intelligence (EQ) isn’t just about “being nice.” It’s a skill set which makes human interaction natural. Different than one who is mentally strong, an emotionally strong person is able to make well-informed decisions. By understanding your own emotions, you can use these feelings to influence your thinking. Moreover, you’ll be able to develop strong, genuine relationships by empathizing with others and responding to their feelings in a positive way. In short, EQ is the key to both personal and interpersonal success.

Why EQ Matters

People often deem intellectual ability (IQ) as a success trait. However, emotional intelligence holds equal value. With more awareness and controlled management of your emotions, you’ll be able to perceive and respond constructively to the emotions of others.

Individuals with high emotional intelligence possess a deep understanding of themselves. First off, they can identify their strengths, weaknesses, triggers, and emotional responses. This self-awareness, in turn, allows them to make choices that align with their values.

Furthermore, they are skilled at managing difficult emotions. To clarify, they possess the ability to manage difficult emotions, such as anger, stress, or frustration, in a healthy way. Such a strong emotional regulation prevents negative emotions from spiraling out of control and impacting their well-being.

Additionally, emotional intelligence builds stronger as well as healthier relationships. Emotional intelligent people excel at building and nurturing positive relationships. So, the ability to empathize makes the sense of belonging with others a lot more natural!

This emotional intelligence also translates into better decision-making. They are better equipped to make sound decisions by considering not just the logical aspects, but also the emotional implications. This consideration of both logic and emotion leads to choices that align with their long-term goals and values.

Lastly, emotional intelligence raises resilience. Consequently, individuals are better equipped to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Their emotional intelligence allows them to maintain a positive outlook and navigate adversity effectively.

What Science Has To Say…

  • A study conducted by Brenda Valerie and Heni Mularsih on psychology students in Jakarta found a positive correlation of 56.9% between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being.
  • According to five secondary schools in Spain, research from the National Library of Medicine found that people with higher emotional intelligence reported greater life satisfaction and lower levels of depression.

What I Would Do If I Were You…

Well, the good news is that emotional intelligence is not a fixed trait. Just like school, you can learn how to cultivate your EQ, achieving greater happiness!

i) Practice Self-Awareness

  • So, pay attention to your internal world.
  • Notice your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations throughout the day.
  • Journaling or mindfulness meditation can be helpful tools for self-exploration.

ii) Identify Your Triggers

  • Then, recognize situations or people that correlate with your strong emotions.

  • Understanding your triggers encourages you to manage your responses proactively.

iii) Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

  • Find healthy ways to manage difficult emotions.
  • Exercise, spending time in nature, or engaging in relaxation techniques like deep breathing can be effective coping strategies.

iv) Practice Active Listening

  • Pay close attention to what others are saying, both verbally and nonverbally.
  • Try to understand their perspective and feelings before responding.

v) Empathy in Action

  • Put yourself in other people’s shoes and try to understand their experiences.
  • In turn, this emphasizes healthy connections and strengthens relationships.

vi) Assertive Communication

  • Express your needs and feelings clearly and respectfully, while also acknowledging the needs of others.

vi) Embrace Feedback

  • Be open to constructive criticism!
  • So, use this as an opportunity to learn and grow emotionally.

vii) Celebrate Small Wins

  • Most importantly, acknowledge and appreciate your progress as you develop your emotional intelligence.
  • Every step forward brings you closer to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Always Know That…

Building up your emotional intelligence does not simply come overnight. Therefore, practice continuous learning and do this consistently. In turn, you’ll notice the positive impact on your happiness and overall well-being.

Let’s Smile!

The benefits of emotional intelligence extend beyond personal happiness. In workplaces, individuals with high EQ foster a more positive and productive environment. They excel at teamwork, conflict resolution, and leadership, contributing to a thriving organizational culture. In families, emotionally intelligent individuals create strong and supportive bonds, fostering a sense of security and well-being for all members.

Every interaction, every connection, really takes you a long way. By being more mindful, you’ll live a more fulfilling life, not just for yourself, but for those around you as well.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

What do you think?

Do you think you’re emotionally intelligent?

Well, try and take the emotional intelligence test here!

P.S. – Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts below!
