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The 5 Reasons | Why Limit My Frozen Meal Consumption?

Frozen food… It’s so convenient but so bad for you at the same time… Understand why moderating frozen food consumption is necessary.

Why Do People Turn To Frozen Food

Ddi you know that 60% of American adults have frozen food at least once a week? According to the American Frozen Food Institute, trends show that 39% of Americans consumer frozen food on a daily basis or every few days at least.

While frozen food offers convenience, we need to consider if there are any potential drawbacks with consuming it so frequently. From my own research and personal experiences, I’ll tell you why you should not be having frozen so often!

i) Nutrient Loss During Freezing

Frozen food processing and storage can lead to nutrient degradation. According to a study published in the “Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,” freezing vegetables and fruits can result in a loss of certain vitamins, with vitamin C being particularly susceptible. Daily reliance on frozen food may contribute to a gradual decline in the nutritional value of your diet.

ii) Alarming Sodium Levels

The sodium content in many frozen meals is a arising concern for daily consumption. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the recommended daily intake of sodium for an adult is 2,300 mg or less, with an ideal limit of 1,500 mg. Frozen meals often exceed these limits, with many containing over 1,000 mg of sodium per serving. A daily diet high in sodium is linked to hypertension and cardiovascular issues.

iii) Additives and Preservatives Pile Up

Frozen foods frequently contain additives and preservatives to enhance taste, texture, and shelf life. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved various food additives, but their long-term health effects are not fully understood. Regularly consuming foods with artificial additives may have unintended health consequences, making it advisable to limit their intake.

iv) Limited Culinary Diversity

A diet centered on frozen meals may lead to a lack of culinary diversity. Relying solely on frozen options limits the range of nutrients and flavors you expose your body to, potentially impacting overall nutritional intake.

v) Environmental Impact

Beyond personal health considerations, the environmental impact of frozen food production and transportation is noteworthy. According to a report by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the frozen food industry contributes to greenhouse gas emissions due to energy-intensive freezing processes and transportation. Reducing reliance on frozen foods can be improve the environment and our natural surroundings.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

What do you think?

Sometimes, having a quick frozen meal is efficient or convenient, but so is reheating leftovers from dinner the night before…

If you have any thoughts or questions, don’t hesitate to ask them below!
