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Social Media Is The Mental Health Crisis’s Largest Factor

Especially among teens, social media use has increased an unhealthy amount. We all know that social media is not healthy, but why is that?

Anxiety & Depression Spikes Post – Pandemic

Social media has become an inextricable part of young people’s lives.

But at what cost?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently shed light on a very concerning trend… Social media is a primary factor contributing to mental health, especially those who are growing up with modern technology.

This connection begs questions on how virtual interactions are influencing mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression.

What The CDC Believes

The mental health of our youth is at an unprecedented risk.

* According to recent studies, there has been a large increase in mental health disorders among young people, with anxiety leading the charge.

The CDC points to social media as one of the largest social factors contributing to this crisis.

The constant exposure to curated realities, peer comparisons, and cyberbullying on these platforms has created a chain of anxiety and depression among the youth.

The CDC Research

The CDC’s research indicates that excessive screen time and unhealthy social media use are correlated with increased risks of mental health problems.

While offering opportunities for connection and learning, social media poses high risks for developing feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression.

The comparison trap, where individuals compare their lives to the idealized lives presented by their peers online, is particularly detrimental.

Social Media Has Become A Norm

Since COVID-19 and the pandemic, people have become too comfortable with isolation. Whether it’s work, school, shopping, etc, people of all ages have an option to be at home more.

Especially with the popular rise of Tik Tok in 2020, high levels of social media engagement have led to loneliness. With decreased face-to-face interactions, teens now have exacerbating feelings of anxiety and depression.

The pressure to maintain a certain online image creates unnecessary stress and anxiety among young people, contributing to the overall mental health crisis.

How We Can Do Better

Addressing this crisis requires a multifaceted approach. Parents, educators, and policymakers must work together to establish healthy boundaries around social media use.

Encouraging positive online experiences and promoting digital literacy can help mitigate the negative impacts of social media on youth mental health.

Also, fostering environments and practices where young people can engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions, especially when it comes to schoolwork.

The Way Forward

I have to reiterate this, as it is so important to create support systems and resources for those affected by these issues, especially among young people.

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

If you have thoughts, experiences, or questions about how we can better navigate this digital age while safeguarding our mental health, any words of advice is appreciated.

Please leave your comments below and join the conversation on creating a healthier online environment for our youth.
